Annual General Meeting 2015

Happy New Year to all our members. Now that the dust of Christmas is settling it is time for our Annual General Meeting of Brighton Belle Sailing Club.
This will be held on Saturday 16th January 1600 hrs at the Brighton Marina Yacht Club.
With a following wind we will go through the administration parts fairly swiftly with Officers reports and officer elections as usual. The Agenda will be sent out early next week.
If you would like to take on one of the many tasks to keep the club going, or assist one of the existing officers as a way of stepping in, now is the time to volunteer!
If any member would like the meeting to discuss specific items please let one of the committee know in the next couple of days.
You are also invited to join us for a meal at the club afterwards.
'Join in' to this event to let us know that you are coming and add a note if you wish to eat so that I can give them an idea of numbers.
We look forward to seeing you all.
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