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5 Days Practice Solent to Brighton

Event image
Start date
22/07/2017 12:00
End date
27/07/2017 12:00
Departure port
Arrival port
Bob Williams
Bob Williams
07976 283003
Open to
Places remaining

We shall have an enjoyable five days messing about in boats and giving ourselves an opportunity to just practice.

Practicing things like boat handling, mooring, manoeuvring in close quarters, sail handling, anchoring and all those technical bits that get the pulse racing. This is intended as a Members only event.

You will come away with a better understanding of how windage, prop walk, tide, rudder position and prop wash effect Brighton Belle and in many cases, can be harnessed to help you pull off a perfect manoeuvre. 

We will start in Gosport marina and visit a couple of other Solent marinas. As the week progresses we shall make our way East visiting the beauty of Langstone and Chichester harbours and then finish off with a coastal passage to Brighton where we shall leave the boat.

I am hoping for periods of hard work interspersed by lots of laughter, good food and the occasional lovely pub. :-)

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