Chill Out Round Tenerife

By end of January we plan to have BB moored at a marina in Tenerife. This will be finally confirmed by end of September.
Bob Williams has kindly agreed to join me as Mate. My plan is to have a relaxing week with short day sails, anchoring in coves and swimming at lunchtime. The longest passage may be a crossing to Gomez. All of this, as ever, is subject to weather, and crew experience.
Between now and then I will get the pilot book/charts out and find some good places to go to.
If you haven't been to Tenerife before and fancy a bit of "touristing" then the whole island is well served by buses, including El Tiede, pictured. Can't remember how high it is, but the view is stunning and you only have to walk up the last 1000m!
I am sending invites out to a few guests of BB so I hope there will be a good mix of BB members and guests.
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