The Big Smoke to Brighton

BB will be moored at St Katherine's Marina (SKM) and we will cruise back to Brighton after having been to parts foreign for the best part of a year. There is a classic boat rally or similar using SKM from 5/9 onwards so BB will be locked in until 12/9. Should be interesting for a visit! Outline plan, subject to weather, tides, etc. Is as follows
Monday 11/9 come board, check the boat and buy provisions.
Tuesday 12/9 down the Thames leaving at HW to Queenborough where there is a beeeautiful anchorage.
Wednesday onwards take in a selection of Ramsgate, Dover, Boulogne, Dieppe, depending how we feel and winds. Possibly even pop in to Eastbourne to catch up with our friends from the yacht club.
Get back to Brighton at a sensible time on Sunday leaving time to tidy and polish the boat.
Looking forward to a nice quiet week...ha!
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