Stewart Henton
I have now been a member of BBSC for 10 years and counting! How did that happen? Since joining I have sailed many thousands of miles learning all the way as you do when you sail. I have sailed into literally hundreds of beautiful harbours and anchorages, that I would never have seen without Brighton Belle. I have met many good friends through the club and continue to be amazed at how sailing on a yacht like Brighton Belle can be available to us all for only a few hundred pounds a year.
I have always loved being on the water. I started sailing dinghies as a wee lad and progressed on to yachts as a teenager sailing wherever and whenever possible. I spent a couple of gap years working charter yachts around the Eastern seaboard of the States, through the Bahamas to the Caribbean and across the 'pond' to the Mediterranean. RYA Yacht Master since 1998. I came back to get a 'real job' but sailing as often as possible. I joined Brighton Belle Sailing Club 2009. The club has been a brilliant route for me to sail on a beautiful yacht with friends.
So many coastlines and so little time!
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