Matt Ledger
I discovered I enjoyed sailing when we went sailing on a yacht for a day on a family holiday. Being able to move the boat just by hoisting some sails and using the power of the wind was fantastic. On our return I pestered my Dad to do more sailing and we went dingy sailing together. Great fun, but where is the kettle? I spent time sail training, cruising around the Solent and crossing the channel before we moved to New Zealand. I got involved in the Auckland sailing community and raced Etchells and a 45ft Beneteau First in the local racing Winter Series and the Costal Classic. Upon our return I was looking for ways to get involved in sailing in the UK. A friend recommended Brighton Belle Sailing Club. I’ve sailed on her for longer delivery passages as well as exploring interesting cruising areas such as the Channel Islands and the West Coast of Scotland. Every trip is special in its own way, and every trip leaves you with a story to tell & friendships new and old. Never knowingly underprovisioned.
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